Growing up in a family full of artistic pursuits it was none too surprising that I developed an early love for crafting with my hands and putting an artistic bent on what I make. Being the daughter of a cross stitch designer, quilter, porcelain doll maker, and later potter I have been exposed to arts and crafts all my life and most significantly early on. Like so many children growing up, one comes to a point where they want to do everything mom or dad is doing, and I was no different. Starting out with simple braiding and knotting of embroidery floss I knew immediately that I loved to create things and that was what I wanted to do "when I grew up".
Oddly enough though, the very person whose works inspired me was not exactly supportive. Being a practical sort I think, looking back, she recognized the potential struggle as an artist and knew just the amazing amount of work to produce something on your own. But let it never be said that I am not tenacious. So I let it be, kept it as a fun hobby and diversion and went about other pursuits...Almost two decades later I have to laugh at myself as I look back and find that I have gone full circle through multiple paths and diversions - none of which truly called to me - only to land right back where I knew even at the tender age of 10 that I wanted to be. I think though that despite her reservations mom would be proud and most importantly I am.