Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable. ~ William Pollard
With the political climate what it is ... a ton of fuckery to put it mildly ... it's more important than ever to create change. As an artist I am a changemaker, I can use my power to support or challenge the status quo in overt or less than overt ways. One way in which I seek to do this is by not promoting the fodder of consumerism. We buy things because we need them, but also want them. Because we've been fed the idea that these things will make a difference or change our lives. Sometimes this is true, but not necessarily in the ways we imagine. The saying, the grass is greener comes to mind. The expectations you have about the change that will occur are often inflated, in part because you don't really understand what you want & need, and in part because you believe the person or entity selling something to you has your best interests in mind.
Sadly this is not necessarily true, especially at a larger corporate level. Money is exchanged, only to be exchanged again and again (sometimes for the same thing). It's a seemingly endless cycle. Part of my mission is to help you make meaningful connections with what you bring into your life and each of my businesses (Aradia's Hand & Butterfly Phoenix Coaching) does that in a different manner. So put your money where your values are, promote & support those things that matter to you, shop small, & do good in the world in every way you can!