Originally I had started to type up a comment, but it started getting lengthy and I opted to share it via a blog post instead, so here goes...
Marketing your work can take many forms but for those of us who make wearables, one of the simplest and underused is that of the "personal billboard". If you make stunning jewelry or beautiful wraps why not have a walking, talking billboard?!
But it's not that simple. Like the real life billboards we see driving down the highway you always want your presentation to be clean, nice, and most of all relevant. Here are my quick & dirty tips to really selling it!
- *Know your ideal customer! As a business coach I can't say this enough and I know my colleagues agree. Knowing WHO you are selling to is the keystone to selling. And it's not just about basic demographics, you want to consider other psychosocial data too (like their sense of style, places they might frequent wearing your work, etc). Otherwise you're flapping your gums to people who don't care.
- *It's all about presentation! We have to face it, our visual sense is the one we most fervently rely on. Short of certain circumstances it's the first to get used and can make the most marked impression. This means that you must look the part if you're going to model your work. And if you don't, no worries find someone who does and send them off adorned in your art (especially to a social gathering or other event!)
- *Confidence is Key baby! If you know your art, you have to be able to work it! There's nothing worse than asking someone about what they do and getting a stammering, unclear answer. Take a page from Nikki Elledge Brown, communication stylist and develop your one sentence as an opening for just such occasions.
Knowing and making your art is just one part of the marketing puzzle. You also have to have a bit of savvy and a whole lotta clarity about your message beyond just the visual (or tactile) sense!
Need other tips on selling your art? Want to breakout into you creative business with a concrete plan? Join my Creative Coaching newsletter for more tips and a soon to be released ebook on the Essentials of Your Creative Business!
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