For those of you that know me personally I am usually poring over information just to turn around and apply it the best I can soon after. Although I do fall into the trap of "wanting to know all I can" to the point that I have a little of overwhelm paralysis now and again.
During this month I've appeared a little slack, but only because I've been working my ass off behind the scenes. While pricing is just calculating a few numbers (and thank Goddess I keep pristine records of supply costs) I also make project sheets for everything I make with relevant and useful notes. This extra step makes my life significantly easier and doesn't take up too much extra time if I do it in the creative process when I mean to.
Now with a major segment of that done I knew I had another huge bear of a task to tackle....creating the on-site webstore. Truly I've been meaning to do this for months. I've also started it about half a dozen times and the project fell flat each time. When things like that happen, I try to trust that there is a reason and I found that reason as I got to the task finally and started majorly accomplishing headway on the task. Had I done it as planned, when planned I don't think the set up would have been quite as spiffy as it is now.
Because the shop is on my website I really wanted the shop sidebar on the side so there wasn't a weird double up of 2 horizontal navigation bars (which I thought would look disruptive and busy to the eye.) Each page be it a product or collection page has this so you can get to anywhere you want without having to mess with the drop down menu (which is also an option for those visiting who know just where they want to go!)
Then of course is the nice little picture of me, name & location (more ideas from Storenvy), and below where you can't see are some social media icons and a newsletter subscribe form. (Are you on my list yet?)
All in all I'm really excited about these updates as I'm sure you are too!
In the comments below, share with me your thoughts on this new update with the in-site store! Have you been eagerly awaiting this? Like it, love it, not digging it? Tell me why - I love to hear feedback! Anything you'd like to see in future updates?
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