Starlene Breiter is a professional astrologer, energetic gemstone worker, Reiki teacher, jewelry artist, candle artist and I love to connect a few or many of these things into my work as an artist. I am living my dream being an artist, and living from what I create and teach to others. I also host an awesome online radio show too!
I have always been artistic, it would really depend on what sort of art we are talking about. I have made jewelry since about 2006 or 2007 - candles just before then. I have always drawn but now I paint more, I am just starting into my painting but I do love it and eventually want to sell my paintings - thus far I have made them for loved ones and myself.
2. What inspires you the most?
Astrology, I love astrology it influences my jewelry making, my candle making too. I also am inspired by gemstones, they are often in my jewelry and candle work too - I have even been known to put them on paintings :)
3. What is/are your favorite materials/supplies?
Candle wax, scent, color, beads, wire, paint, the planets, reiki - in no specific order.
4. Do you have a favorite tool?
Not so much, but for jewelry making my 3 in one is awesome!
5. What is your work space like?
It is wonderful, two L shaped desks, to shape a cubicle in the corner of my family room. One desk is for my computer, the other is cabinets and where I take my pictures on and make jewelry. I love the space I have created, it is really energetic. I also made two opposite accent walls a deep red color, to activate the energy aspect. Everyone loves that room, I do too!
6. When do you find the most time to work?
Pretty much daily. I do lots of other things, like any normal person would - spend time with family and friends, cook, clean, piddle around the yard (I love to grow flowers and veggies I eat too) and in the times I am not being a regular person - I work.
7. How does your work fit into the rest of your life?
Really nicely, I am one of those people that doesn't mind to work. I might work a lot one day and set myself up for a couple of days to sort of not need to work at the computer. Those off days, I am out being human - or doing artistic stuff.
8. How often a week do you get to work?
Usually a little bit, or a lot every day. Like I said, some days I work a lot and set myself up so I don't have to work so hard the next day. A lot of what I do since my business is online is promote myself on social media so that kinda needs a little tending to as often as possible. So if I can I will try to do a little of that every day at least - if I can. If I miss a day or couple here or there, that is ok too. Now a days most everyone is on it regularly so its not weird or anything! - I do listen to my body with all of that though and take my breaks when I need to. I think that is key to stop, stretch and take a break.
9. Do you sell your work? Directly? Indirectly?
I sell it directly off my websites or social media. A lot of times when I make something I post it on social media and it sells before I get time to put it on my website - so its been a little slower building the websites than I anticipated - at least the jewelry site. The candles are a little different, I make one, sell it and the pictures of the first one are an example of the same sort of design. All the candles are one of a kind so they are interesting.
10. Do you have a business (on or offline)? Consign?
I own a corporation, and I work mostly online. I have considered getting a brick an mortar shop, but I like the freedom of dealing with people online and not being tied to opening a shop every day.
11. Do you have a website? Blog? Facebook profile or fan page? Myspace? Twitter? Pinterest?
12. Where do you feel your work fits in your market? (Do you concentrate on high volume, low volume; do you make multiples or one of a kind only; Walmart or Bergdorf Gelman?)
Most of my stuff is one of a kind, some things I might repeat - the real simple things, but the best thing I make is my Organized Chaos Line of Jewelry & Candles and each piece of that is one of a kind.
13. What is your favorite part?
I like being free to work when I choose. I also love the ability to just be creative, my entire life surrounds creativity - you should see my home, it is quite an adventure and loads of fun!
14. How did you get into creating your art?
I really just started doing things that I love, in fact I still do things I love. That is what I would suggest to anyone, do what you love and share it with love and things will work out.
15. Favorite deceased artist? Why?
MC Escher... I just love his work.
16. Favorite live artist? Why?
Why, myself of course. Why? Because I am a Rock Star! <3
Rocks & Reiki (official site)
Starry Candles (official site)
Spirit Jewelers on Etsy
Confessions of a Rock-A-Holic (Blog)
Rocks & Reiki on Facebook
Starry Candles on Facebook
Spirit Jewelers on Facebook
Starlene on Twitter
Starlene's Pinterest
Starlene's About.Me Page
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