This first iteration was over the course of 2 weeks, and just covered the basics but the value I received, even having done many of these exercises before (establishing target market, the basics of copywriting, and pricing) getting Laura's unique and artistic perspective was just fantastic! She over delivers on every point with personality and enthusiasm.
Even better she created this great group for all of us members to interact with each other. My favorite part and what I think I loved most was being able to personally interact with Laura as well as other artists of other mediums. It was like my own personal artistic mastermind group. We were all at different levels and had different experiences, all adding to the cumulative benefit of the course! You could post your thoughts, struggles, or just what you had established and get feedback from everyone. It put into perspective everything even more deeply as we all came from different backgrounds and mediums.
If you're considering Laura's program, stop go in guns blazing & just do it!
If you're stoked to start working with her head on over to her website where you can check out all her coaching opportunities and blog - which is chockful of creative awesomeness!