But we all have sore points and I touched on one with a friend and fellow creative the other day...
Aspiring writer, Jeb Herrin and dear friend of mine commented:
It's nice to see somebody so passionate about something. Most people just kind of glide through the days without having anything they really care about.
I guess this is why my work is so important to me. Why I'm so serious about it. I used to be one of those people who just existed. I didn't really have a purpose. I didn't go to work or do anything and really feel fulfillment. I was constantly just going through the motions.
Death hit close to home and that shook me to my core.
I couldn't keep going. It wasn't good enough for me. I looked to what brought me joy once upon a time.
Writing, singing, dancing, creating...this last one was the short answer. My writing is super personal, but if you insist you can check out some of it here , singing - yea fat chance you'll hear me ever. Dancing, well I'm an aspiring bellydancer (there's something you didn't know!) So that left one path which led me straight to my art. Where I continue to reside happily.
In the comments below, let me know...
- Where does your passion reside?
- Are you pursuing it yet...if not what's stopping you?
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