With every new beginning is the chance to move on and away from a lesser space, release the confining, and embrace an opening and flowering of the Self! So look about your home...
- Where could it need a little TLC?
- What's been neglected or put off?
Now's a great time to give your home that special attention and invite the sacred into it by honoring it more fully!
And of course, don't forget about you too!
So what else is new? Well over here I've been really devoting my time to making some major changes with the shop. Some updates with my site provider put the set up back several weeks. The updates are great and the new shop looks amazing! But it also mean a heck of a lot of work because many things didn't translate into the new format. I'm proud to say with the help of my dear Pisces friend that it's looking great now! Make sure you drop by and check it out!
On the needles...
In the comments below share with me...
- How can you nurture yourself or your home this week?
- What might you release to make your life more comfortable?
Thank for tuning into week's installment of "What's Up Wednesday?". It's an honor to be able to share these behind-the-curtain with you! If you haven't gotten the chance make sure you join my newsletter where I share the really juicy deets! You can also connect with me on social media (see the buttons below!) and follow me with Bloglovin'!