A little of this, a little of that, and a smattering of laughter!
I was talking to a fellow creative. He used to be a bit more involved with hand-making but now he says he's really getting into his writing. In a conversation with him the other day he comments how, "I'm amazed how much you get done in a day!" (A familiar statement.) I think nothing of it because I've heard it before and I know why it amazes people. Most aren't that into what they do. Most just do the work to get by without having any passion for it.
What he goes on to say next...just wow. "Sometimes I flip through your website because you inspire me so much." Seriously? I was shocked. I've known the guy for years, perhaps only in the last few did I even share that I did artwork with him (I'm bad about talking to people about what I do mind you.)
I didn't know what to say. I was utterly flattered and honored. I inspired another person, another creative, to do what they love to do. That is just so very cool to me and I had to share it with you.
It was an interesting process - given that it was cold out with snow on the ground and I cleverly forgot to put socks on so had unpleasant surprises while carrying the dying bin to dump it. I honestly meant to get before and afters and it just didn't work out like that... #bloggingfail.
In the comments below share with me...
- Have you ever been paid a compliment from another in your field?
- Ever dyed anything with RIT dye? How'd it go for you?
- Does my status as a "would-be" grandma bring you mirth?
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