Formerly these posts were labelled "Month Updates", seems rather boring, so I thought the migration to the blog might help and warrant a rename, so here's what's been going on and a bit of what's planned...
So this month the task continues, a little modified. I've been working on my jewelry line especially since much of it has a specific inspiration and therefore telling a story about it is significantly easier than some other works where the story resides only in the liking of a given color.
Normally I'm a rather prolific maker, but with the focus on business tasks its been very difficult to keep up on getting much made. Still I've listed a number of new things in the shop since the last time I had an update:
Also in March I did quite of bit of blogging, starting the migrate from Blogspot finally and then just going with the flow and following my Muse's whisperings whenever an idea came to me.
For April I've got the following planned:
* Continue moving the remainder of older blogposts to this platform.
* Keep up with this month's blogging & features
* Back post a few features I have on my queue
* Plan out features for the next 6 months (If you'd like to help with this, I'd love your submission ideas!)
* List new items 3 times a week, I'm shooting for Monday, Wednesday, & Friday to start
* Finish all copywriting
* Work on my secret launch for May...
As you can see I'm pretty ambitious in my plans. But then if you've been following me for awhile you knew that. :) So here's to April, here's to getting things done and I'll see around online <3
In the comments below I'd love your input! Have you caught any of my goings on for March? What did you think? What do think about my plans for April? Are you the overachiever type too? Don't forget to join the newsletter and connect with me on social media too!