Education is the movement from darkness to light. ~ Allan Bloom
So I feel like I haven't written to you in ages, but that's not accurate. The reality is (as of this drafting) I have tons of things written or partially written, in various stages of almost finished. But almost doesn't there's that. One of my aims is to get back to my schedule, which includes posting here on the blog & sending out newsletters - among other things. But I am currently always running out of time in which to work on things.
Time to Move Forward
Mercury goes Direct (11/6, 4:22 pm EST). Finally Mercury will be moving direct which should help unkink and work out any communications issues you've had lately. I'm hopeful that the frizziness of my brain will settle down so that I can process the feedback rather than having it bottleneck in my head. If there are any plans you made or were trying to sort out before this it's time to put those plans into action & revise them based on the feedback you discover.
Chiron goes Direct (11/9, 2:52 am EST). Chiron is known as the wounded healer. He shows us where the great wound of our lives lies and gives us opportunity to do something to heal it. In terms of art the contemplation is over and now it's time to do something about this. What healing & peace can you create for yourself now?
Dawning Knowledge
New Moon in Sagittarius (11/7, 2:20 am EST). With the New Moon it's time that you invite what you desire into your life. New experiences & deep wants. Sagittarius rules over the exploration of things outside one self, learning about things wildly different from where you reside. The pairing of this energy can lead you to learn about new art & creative expressions that different from what is native to you. Take in what you see, see the tradition & lineage, and honor it with respect (aka don't take things that don't belong to you just because you like them). Open your eyes & honor the source.
Beyond Tired Of It
It seems my insomnia is rearing it's head again. Given the fact that it's the Winter looming closer and that this is a stressful time for me because of emotional traumas etc this isn't surprising. Still not something I'm thrilled with dealing with. So I'm trying to make the most of the wakefulness and eeek towards keeping on track with things. Although that's a double-edged sword as the more I stay up the more it becomes habit and is therefore difficult to stop.
Skipping About
One of the latest things that I've been working on as of late is what I've named my "Friend Shawl". The pattern is Kindness by Jaala Spiro. I found it by accident when deciding that I wanted to send a shawl to a friend who has been going through a difficult time. I'm not much for hugging, but I know how others appreciate the gesture, so I'm sending them a knitted hug!
My Morning Blues is on a big of a break at the moment as all of my time has been taken up by the aforementioned shawl. I'm looking forward to getting back to it though. I also know that I'll have to take a break once I finish the first five color as I'll have to buy a ton more yarn to do the next bits.
I've got a third bobbin lace bracelet that I'm working on as well - although that's also currently on break because it's the third of the exact same one...I need to get back to it soon though as I need to give my pillow a break because they are not meant to have work on them all the time.
My Twin Tootsees Socks are also on break too - again because of the shawl. I'm also to the point where they are just straight knitting until I reach the cuff so its whatever as far as interest goes.
Progress Made
Big surprise (not) but my most popular post this past week was my aforementioned Friend Shawl, and given the colors and lace detail who would be surprised?
I'm looking forward this new listing I'm working on for Dionysian Child, it's been sitting in my listing queue for a bit now so I can't wait for it to be ready to go off to it's forever home. The last thing I listed (which I'm realizing I don't know whether I shared with you or not) was my new necklace By Any Other Name.
Something that I haven't really mentioned anywhere else outside of social media is that I was raising my prices. At this point it's done and with the exception of a handful of things I'm looking for the notes on, everything is update. I'm really pleased that I did it, even though doing all the math (I have a nice chunk of things in my shop) was a bit grueling. To go with this new pricing I'll also be updating all of the copy of everything too!
With all the energy going on right now there is a distinct opening up. But while that happens there is also the drawing near of Winter which (for us in the Western Hemisphere) is a slowing down. So be sure to take stock of what to give & what to take, where to move & where to be still. Create space for what you need and release what may not be serving your pursuits right now.
In the comments below, share with me...
- Are you excited to see the updates in my shop, particularly the new copy?
- Are you exploring any new creative techniques or art forms?
- What are you ready to get off your chest?
Thanks for tuning in to this week's "What's Up Wednesday?". Make sure you come back next week to see what's going on in my world! And if you haven't yet be sure to join my newsletter and connect with me on your favorite social media!