Enthusiasm is excitement with inspiration, motivation, and a pinch of creativity. ~ Bo Bennett
I'm in for a wild ride over the next few weeks. With the launching of my Journalistic Masterpiece Kickstarter I know things are gonna be hoppin' 'round here. So far so good though, a few pledges under my belt & ready for more!
Forward Motion
Venus enters Aquarius (1/17, 8:44 pm EST). As dear, sweet Venus moves into Aquarius the call of freedom rings strong. Venus is all desire, sensuality, & creature comforts. In the sign of Aquarius this turns more mental, so anything engaging that can be held in the mind's eye holds particular interest. It's also about new sensations and experimenting with the unknown, so be brave and give it a shot!
Pallas enters Taurus (1/19, 9:35 pm EST). Pallas in the sign of Taurus is practical, yet slow moving. She comes to ideas after great mental effort, having carefully considered all options. There is no rushing this process, as with all things Taurus takes her dear sweet time. Embrace the necessary time so you can make good decisions!
Sun enters Aquarius (1/19, 10:09 pm EST). Innovative and imaginative Aquarius takes the spotlight. This sign is detached and moves fluidly about with the grace of air. And like air Aquarius is hard to catch and whenever you think you've stopped them...look again and they're gone. This is a time for ideas, connection, communities, and going off into the wild blue yonder!
Changemaking Trailblazer
Celtic Tree Month of Rowan begins (1/21). Rowan's energy brings with it the cool & intellectual mental approach. Rather than being attached to ideas Rowan is able to move through & with them, but also past them. There is a deeper passion behind such ideas & ideals. This all brings with it an ability to make change in the world around one, so to bring forth these energies tap into Rowan's energy.
Struggling Through
I knew that I would have a lot of work ahead of me, but I must say I am quite overwhelmed and it is just the beginning!
Paring Down
As the Kickstarter has begun I'm doing my best to get through the last of the Disney princess dolls. I'm up to Jasmine, having switched to the brown girls as I ran out of beige (my chosen color for the white dolls).
I've wrapped all other projects I was working on and anything that is left will only get idle attention when I have spare time.
All the Things
This past week's most popular post was me and my silly face. Which seemed all too appropriate given the level of frazzled I was that day.
So...holy. fucking. shit. I finally launched my Kickstarter! I've been dying to do this since I got the idea, keeping it under wraps was also a chore as I wanted to be sure it would work before releasing. And as you well know in the art world, theft is a big deal so I didn't want to gush to the wrong person.
You can check out the campaign page here, but the long & short of it is me raising the funds together to get into serious bookbinding by way of bespoke journals, each it's own work of art. Unlike most Kickstarters mine is set up in a way that makes sense for how I do business & what makes sense for you.
And like with all Kickstarters, in case you're not familiar, if I don't get full funding by the end of the time period the project will not come to fruition so be sure to pledge & share!
A final thing, I will be suspending all custom orders for the duration of the Kickstarter (both funding & delivery if successful). In order to focus on getting deliverables done & getting the world out in general I mean to cut anything extra out that I can. My shop will remain open however, so if you've had your eye on something now's a great time to shop!
Okay...so maybe one more thing...as I've just finished up a class dedicated to money I'll be raising prices in the shop soon. I can't say how much (I haven't done any of the figures yet) but I'll be batch updating things randomly. The biggest change really is that I'll be charging for my time, so my prices will start to reflect how I spend of my life creating. If you're on a budget, or have had your eye on something for awhile I'd advise you to take heed and get the lead out. Some things also might be retired that are "out of sync" with my brand too, so there's also that. But let's away to bigger & brighter things! <3
In the comments below, share with me...
- What's been catching your interest lately?
- Are you a Kickstarter lover?
- What's your favorite kind of selfie?
Thanks for tuning in to this week's "What's Up Wednesday?". Make sure you come back next week to see what's going on in my world! And if you haven't yet be sure to join my newsletter and connect with me on your favorite social media!